Kate is an award-winning filmmaker based in West Yorkshire. Her new BFI-funded film Winter Song premiered at the BAFTA-qualifying Aesthetica Film Festival in 2023, and is now on its festival run, with selections confirmed in throughout the UK and Europe.   

She is interested in women at work and at home, female coming-of-age stories, and domestic alienation and rage in motherhood. In her work, she wants to create poetic, cinematic films that defy stereotypical understandings of female characters and their place in society.

Kate cut her teeth making DIY films, which were selected for Academy Award & BAFTA qualifying festivals internationally, including Barcelona, Berlin, Underwire and Leeds. Her first BFI-funded short, Scrum, played in competition and won awards at festivals nationwide. Her most recent art film, Little Grasses Crack Through Stone, was a finalist for the Aesthetica Art Prize and screened in York Art Gallery throughout 2022.

She also has nearly a decade's experience as an Assistant Director (AD) for film and TV. 

MA | Scriptwriting | Goldsmiths, University of London
BA  | English Literature | University of Sheffield 

Contact: katesarahgraham@gmail.com